Constructing Flavor: Nikko Resendiz’ Journey to New Phyrexia

Nikko has constructed a mother of a deck that showcases the gruesome results of Mirrodin’s transformation into New Phyrexia. In Nikko’s quest to include as much New Phyrexian flavor has he could possibly squeeze in, he has constructed this 760-card beast that he has appropriately titled “Phyrexian Madness”.

Constructing Flavor: Plants vs. Zombies

When Innistrad was originally released, I saw the card Grave Bramble and immediately started cackling with glee. I immediately recognized the tribute to PopCap’s wonderful tower defense game, Plants vs. Zombies, and I was inspired to recreate the game in the world of Magic.

Constructing Flavor: Barinellos’ Planeswalkers

When Barinellos isn’t busy posting on the Wizards forums or being an administrator on the MTG Salvation Wiki, he’s hard at work accomplishing his dream: to construct a deck based around every single Planeswalker character who has been given a card. A noble goal! We’re going to look at three of his decks today, get a little commentary on how and why he assembled them in this manner, and explore what it means to make a flavorful Planeswalker deck.

Constructing Flavor: Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Pirate Deck For Me

I’d like to take this time to share with you the process I go through when I decide to build thematic decks. Hopefully, my step-by-step instructions will help you discover some new ways to sling spells while maintaining flavor.